Leverage Text-Only Emails Frequently

Leverage Text-Only Emails Frequently
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One of the biggest mistakes companies make is saturating their customer’s inboxes with excessive images. Learn how text-only emails can be an effective way to maximise click-through rates.


How often do you see a good email title by a company, open it, only to be bombarded by lots of images and in-your-face marketing promotions?

This is an all too familiar sight. Many businesses saturate their emails with images, which can fail to make it through a lot of email servers intensive screening protocols.

Many businesses underestimate the value of simple, text-only emails. Compelling visuals can work well for email campaigns. However, they can also feel like ads – where most people are pre-programmed to close before even digesting.

A thoughtful, text-only email cannot only seem personal but also act as an invitation to start a conversation or engage with the business. This can be particularly useful if you’re canvassing business-to-business.

The trick is to make it as personal as possible and not too long. People often don’t like being sold to, they want a real person to connect with.

Not only can this yield great results, but it’s also much cheaper and easier to produce. Why not give it a try now? All you need is some personalised, engaging copy.

You can leverage this strategy alongside tip #4 (Speak in the First Person) to add extra personalisation to your emails that generate click-throughs and build trust with your audience.


As mentioned in previous articles, emails should vary in content from time-to-time, utilising techniques such as trust-builders to increase consumer confidence in your brand.

Leveraging text-only emails is an effective way to speak directly to your customer and drive action on your website.

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