Omnisend vs Klaviyo: Which Should You Choose?

Omnisend vs Klaviyo: Which Should You Choose?
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Email marketing and its importance for eCommerce businesses are becoming more prevalent within each industry, whether that be a product or service-based company.

However, regarding the most sought-after email marketing software, at the top of the list is always either Klaviyo, Mailchimp, or Ominsend. There is a consistent argument among users about which software you should use to reap the best results. 

In this article, we’re going to unravel both Omnisend and Klaviyo and settle the Omnisend vs Klaviyo debate once and for all. Carry on reading our guide here to learn more!

Omnisend vs Klaviyo: The Purpose Behind Both Platforms

As you look closer at the purpose of both platforms, this should give you a better insight into which email and SMS marketing tools to use, right? Well, they were both built with similar intentions: targeting mostly eCommerce businesses in order to integrate nicely with their product ranges. 

Both heavily focus on impressing Shopify, WooCommerce, and Wix users with their seamless integration techniques and impressive tools to follow, which we will talk about later on. 

With their objectives being almost identical, it may seem as though they’re almost on the same page at a glance. Yet, there are some glaring differences when you look in detail at the individual features of one another. Let’s take a closer look at each feature, one by one:

Omnisend vs Klaviyo: Email Deliverability 

As for the creative element of email designs, email templates, and the overall editing experience when developing email marketing campaigns for the masses, Omnisend and Klaviyo both use drag-and-drop features for email content.

However, in the email builder, there are vast differences that can be immediately spotted when using both software. Omnisend offers an extensive range of customisability within its editing alternatives, giving you the freedom to express your creativity for your brand identity. 

However, Klaivyo offers fewer customisation features and a more straightforward arrangement of editing features within text, buttons, CTA’s, etc. Some businesses find it to be ‘the simpler the better, so if that is the perspective you take it from, Klaviyo will be more suitable for you. Yet, if you want more freedom and flexibility, Omnisend wins in this realm. 

DON'T MISS: Know what's wrong with your Klaviyo account or how to enhance its performance? Get a FREE Klaviyo Health Audit worth $3,000

Email and SMS Segmentation and Targeting

Looking closely into the SMS and email marketing tools for segmentation and targeting is a place where both of these platforms thrive compared to other email marketing platforms. Omnisend prides itself on separating its segments into three classifications: profile data, shopping behaviour, and campaign activity. 

Although this is an excellent way to track your segmentation and targeting as it gives you a baseline of who people are, what they’re interested in, and what platforms they prefer, Klaviyo offers a more streamlined approach, in our opinion.

Klaivyo email marketing and SMS marketing segmentation and targeting use built-in CPDs to capture individual preferences and automatically sync them to your dashboard. Omnisend will limit the number of segments you can manage, and thus, Klaviyo is optimal for a scaling business looking to dominate its industry. 

We believe that Klaviyo wins in this department, having experience using both. You will often create more meaningful relationships and receive higher engagement, yielding higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

List Building From Both Email Marketing Platforms

Diving into both email marketing platforms, if you understand the importance of list building, you will know that this is a crucial deciding factor when selling products from your store. As you build an email and SMS list, you will need sign-up forms to perform at a higher level.

Omnisend offers a unique landing page sign-up form and spin-the-wheel (for discounts, free shipping, etc.), which no other platform has and often produces the highest level of conversion rate. 

Yet, if you’re a business owner who loves to break down analytics and how you’re going to manage your lists for the foreseeable future, Klaviyo has much more advanced reporting capabilities. This one lies even though both have unique abilities within this field.

A/B Testing: Omnisend vs Klaviyo

Within this field, A/B testing can be one of the most important parts of your email marketing strategy when looking to convert and create the best customer experience. Klaviyo is a powerhouse in this department, as it allows you an unlimited amount of A/B tests when sending email marketing and SMS campaigns. 

Omnisend unfortunately limits their A/B testing to sender names and subject lines, so there is no debate that Klaviyo wins for A/B testing. 

Comparing Both Automation Skill Sets

Klaviyo and Omnisend both offer an extensive array of automation workflows to help your business flourish, rather than manually entering data into a system. Omnisend has a variety of pre-built automation tools to trigger a customer response. However, Klaviyo focuses more on the personalisation aspect of automation. 

Consequently, purchase behaviour and conversion are ultimately better when the customer feels as though they’re being spoken to by a human rather than an AI. Whether it be for the welcome series, abandoned cart emails, customer thank-you messages, etc., targeted messages to each subscriber will be tailored. 

Pricing Strategy

Across your campaign activity, both Klaviyo and Omnisend offer alternative pricing strategies. Both of these email marketing platforms have three-tiered pricing strategies: a free plan, a standard plan, and a pro plan. 

The most expensive is Klaviyo, with Omnisend Pro starting at $59 per month (just under £50) and Klaviyo offering email and SMS pro plans for $60 per month. Although this looks similar, as you become more of an advanced user and build an apparent email list, Klaviyo becomes less affordable.

However, we would argue that the value you receive from Klaviyo compared to Omnisend would be worth paying the extra amount each month as you build an email list. 

Customer Support 

Lastly, creating a seamless customer experience is paramount when looking to succeed as an email and SMS marketing company. Although we are heavily invested in the performance of Klaviyo email marketing, we believe that Omnisend’s 24/7 live chat wins in this area. 

After 60 days of your free plan with Klaviyo, it can seem like you’re left on your own with communication. However, if you choose Magnet Monster as your Klaivyo email marketing agency, communication and questions will always be answered by our team.

Take your eCommerce business to the next level with our Klaviyo automation setup. We will take the stress away and set up everything you need to see success in email and SMS marketing online. 

Our hands-off approach and tailored strategy towards every client sets us apart from the rest and allows us to keep generating results, as you see in our case studies, all of the time. Book a discovery call with our team and see your business flourish!

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