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How To Conduct a 3-Step Email Marketing Campaign

How To Conduct a 3-Step Email Marketing Campaign
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Incorporating email marketing into your strategy—although it is one of the more conventional forms of online marketing—is still one of the most effective marketing tools to date, whether you are a small business or an established enterprise.

Creating an email list, curating captivating email marketing campaigns, and optimising flows regularly are not easy, and obtaining results can be challenging for many business owners, no matter the size of the company. 

However, in today’s article, we’re looking to share a 3-step email marketing campaign that may completely transform the email marketing results you’re seeing currently. Read on to learn more about the detailed insights and marketing tactics that we want to share with you, so you can begin implementing them immediately!

Is Email Marketing Still Worth It?

In relation to whether email marketing is still worth it, although it is the oldest digital marketing technique, if it is performed correctly, it can still be one of the highest-performing marketing techniques in your portfolio. 

There are hundreds of variables to consider before sending emails to your audience, but it is worth the wait with the revenue results you’ll receive when you get it right. Its adaptability and potential for personalised, targeted communication make it an extremely valuable tool for any business aiming to connect with its audience and achieve marketing goals.

If done correctly, email marketing campaigns will also nurture customer relationships by delivering frequent updates, offers, and valuable content, which promotes loyalty and repeat business. 

It complements other marketing strategies seamlessly, and while digital trends evolve, email marketing continues to thrive, showing it is always going to be a powerful marketing channel, no matter what happens.

DON'T MISS: 9 pillars of email marketing that generate 95% of the results

How You Can Use the Powerful 3-Step Email Marketing Campaign 

As an established email marketing agency that has generated results for companies of all sizes, we believe that this campaign process is an excellent tool that you can use to compound interest in the topic you want to portray to your audience.

Whether you want to notify your audience about tailored product recommendations or simply want to inform them through their email address about particular changes within your company that could affect the vision, the topic really doesn’t matter.

To break it down for you, we’re going to discuss each part of the 3-step email marketing campaign in detail so you can best dissect the types of email that this strategy contains so you can use it for your own company:

Step 1: The Announcement Email

Let’s say you’re selling a new product that you’ve just put through its final stages and are ready to release to your audience. Within this announcement email, the core principle would be to inform your audience about this new product that you’re proud to announce the arrival of.

First of all, new products and new items in general always create intrigue in marketing emails. However, if you’re not too pushy and are listing what it could offer for your customers, along with creating FOMO (fear of missing out) by offering them a subscriber discount, this is a perfect way to open up your first email.

Oftentimes, this first email will just generate interest due to the laid-back approach to the sale, its short nature, and the informativeness behind it. Yet, using this approach will certainly reap some incredible results if you stick with it.

Step 2: The Reminder Email 

If you have already generated some results from the first successful email but the open rate and click-through rate are still suffering with some of the people on your email list to whom you’ve sent it, this second email will be certain to increase those figures by the moment of sending. 

What this reminder email will do is encourage the reader to view your offer this time, because with the first email, they may have just seen the subject line pop up and forgotten about it or swiped up on the email to get rid of the notification.

However, if you send this reminder email with the intent to take them back to that first email and create more urgency with a limited-time offer and discount code, they will be more inclined to click through to the product you’re promoting.

Another tip that you could use within this reminder email is to show how popular this item is within your best sellers, because if people see that others are buying it and enjoying it, they will fear the result of not experiencing what it was that you had to offer. 

Step 3: The ‘Last Chance” Email

Rather than thinking of this email template as if you’re trying to scare your audience into purchasing your new product, you see it as just another chance to inform your audience about what is going on within your company. 

Once people see that you’re overselling, using call to actions too often, and using annoying sales tactics, they will soon click off the email and possibly unsubscribe from your email list.

However, if you go about it in the right way and show more passion towards your target audience by writing a longer message about why you think it would benefit them and then offering limited-time loyalty discount codes, they will appreciate this. 

This email is a chance to be more direct with the sale by offering them the link to their discounted items (adding a timer to the landing page will be a great addition too). This email should still feel like part of the previous two emails and as though the offer will become unavailable after this last sequence. 

DON'T MISS: 7 Worst email marketing habits that need to die

When Should You Send Each Email to Your Audience?

In regards to the 3-step email marketing campaign, there is a specific timeframe in which you should send each email out to your audience on your marketing platform, with which we have seen the most effective results. Let’s take a look at the timing of each email:

  1. Email One: Send this out after work on a Friday afternoon because people have more time to see their personal emails (and can put their interests first).
  2. Email Two: Email Two has seen the best results being sent three days after the first email (giving the audience some time to scroll through their emails).
  3. Email Three: The ‘last chance’ email should be sent exactly one week after the first email has been sent to complete the campaign (the audience may have been too busy the first time around to make a decision at the time).

This email marketing campaign is a simple but effective way for your audience to feel your presence, and some great results have been generated with this email sequence. If you want more detailed insights into email marketing and want to work with our professional team on a daily basis, book a discovery call, and we’d love to see what we could implement for your business.

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