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Creating the Browse Abandonment Flow - The Pickapocket Project

Creating the Browse Abandonment Flow - The Pickapocket Project
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In this week's episode of the PickaPocket project, we set up one of the most unheralded but powerfully effective email automations: the browse abandonment flow.

How to Create a Sales-Driven Browse Abandonment Flow

The Browse Abandonment Flow is one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal to trigger revenue and engagement.

It is an email automation specifically triggered by browse-intent, meaning if the customer viewed a certain item, you can trigger emails to them and populate the items they viewed in that email.

We often peg these flows on the back of campaigns. That is, we trigger send email campaigns to customers, and when they click-through and browse the products on your store, we also trigger the browse abandonment emails as well.

It’s aggressive, and you’ll need to disable Klaviyo’s Smart Sending feature to enable this to work, but it’s a powerful revenue-driver to peg on the back of your campaigns.

Quite frankly, we haven’t noticed any long-term drop-off in open rates either doing this or unsubscribes. Why would we? You’re just sending customers emails about items highly relevant and personalised to them. They did just browse them, after all!

The beautiful thing about this flow is it’s so simple to set-up. Here’s how we built PickaPocket.

Email 1: sent 1 hour after somebody ‘Viewed product’

Headline: We noticed you checking this out…

The design is minimalistic, the copy is short and sweet.

The goal is to narrow the customer’s focus, and get them to click back through to the website and take action.

Keep these simple for maximum performance.

Email 2: sent 2 days after somebody ‘Viewed product’ if there is no purchase

Headline: Suits you, Sir! Worth another look?

If somebody hasn’t purchased at this point, it may have just been a passing visit. However, a second follow-up email with a lighter focus and also CTA on social media to follow on Instagram can provide some variety whilst not coming across as overly aggressive, and keeps the customer engaged with the brand in more subtle ways.

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The Browse Abandonment Flow does wonders for your long-term deliverability. It’s opened frequently, click-throughs are high, and sales are also strong from this email automation. The best part? It’s simple to set up and works rapidly.

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Related Reads Curated For You

If you enjoyed this blog, we're pretty sure you'd enjoy the other parts in this series:

  1. Creating the Abandoned Cart Flow - The PickaPocket Project
  2. Creating the Customer Winback Flow - The PickaPocket Project
  3. Creating the Post-Purchase Flow - The PickaPocket Project
  4. Creating the Post-Purchase Repeat Buyers Flow - The Pickapocket Project
  5. Creating The Welcome Email Flow - The PickaPocket Project

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