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Creating The Welcome Email Flow - The PickaPocket Project

Creating The Welcome Email Flow - The PickaPocket Project
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In this week’s episode of the PickaPocket project, we guide you through creating the Welcome Email flow for new subscribers to the brand.

The Welcome Email Flow is one of our favourites.

It builds your email list; shares your brand values and bestsellers; and most importantly, incentivises them to make the first purchase.

Here’s how we trigger the Welcome Flow for Pickapocket:

Create a Pop-Up

Importantly, only first-time visitors or people who haven’t subscribed/purchased from the brand will be presented with this opt-in opportunity.

It’s also triggered by behaviour - showing upon exit-intent & inactivity on page, in order not to cannibalise organic conversions.

Set-up in this way, we can proactively build the email list and drive conversions without adversely affecting Pickapocket’s profit margins for first-time buyers.

We do use a coupon code to incentivise sign-up - simply because our aim is to drive a purchase as a primary conversion, as opposed to say, a sweepstake or lead magnet (i.e. style guide), which would result in less sales.

Once a customer has subscribed, here is the first email they receive in the flow immediately upon entering their email:

Email 1

Headline: Your 10% Coupon is Inside

Nothing too fancy here: the focus is on redeeming the dynamic coupon and ensuring a swift sale.

We keep this email minimal in terms of clutter and focus on an effective hero image and strong CTA. More complex and aesthetically intricate designs can come later in the series.

NOTE: Where you see the ‘DYNAMIC-COUPON PREVIEW’ text, a dynamic coupon will populate unique to that user.

This is a really cool feature from Klaviyo that prevents coupons being exploited online by customers with multiple uses.

Email 2

Headline: Listen to this story…

1 day later

We’re now introducing the customer to the story of PickaPocket, some of the brand values as well as subtly nudging them towards certain hot-selling categories of products.

Email 3

Headline: The proof is in the pudding, right?

Sent 1 day later

The goal with this email is to validate the brand with social proof from real customers who have purchased before from PickaPocket.

By leveraging testimonials, we can alleviate any scepticism a user may have from purchasing from the brand, as well as promoting a stronger sense of affinity.

Email 4

Headline: That wardrobe you got? It needs to change...

Sent 2 days later

This email is more a sales-focused push to the highest converting categories on the website.

It introduces the most popular products with short snippet of texts to drive click-through rates.


The Welcome email series is arguably the most important for your brand. An effective set-up should include the following checklist:

  1. Lead capture form (pop-up) to get somebody’s email address
  2. Initial welcome email that incentivises their first purchase (coupon or introductory offer equivalent)
  3. Share your brand’s story
  4. Share customer success stories/testimonials
  5. Introduce your best-selling products

These emails should form the core basis of any effective welcome flow, although you can experiment with additional elements such as creating surveys to collect more information on your customers leading to advanced segmentation, etc.

The most important goal is to incentivise that crucial first purchase and sharing your brand story in a positive, uplifting way.

Make sure to give PickaPocket a visit here!

Related Reads Curated For You

If you enjoyed this blog, we're pretty sure you'd enjoy the other parts in this series:

  1. Creating the Abandoned Cart Flow - The PickaPocket Project
  2. Creating the Browse Abandonment Flow - The Pickapocket Project
  3. Creating the Customer Winback Flow - The PickaPocket Project
  4. Creating the Post-Purchase Flow - The PickaPocket Project
  5. Creating the Post-Purchase Repeat Buyers Flow - The Pickapocket Project
  6. Why is a welcome series important and how to create it in Klaviyo

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