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Klaviyo A/B Testing: Why It is Crucial for Your Ecommerce Business

Klaviyo A/B Testing: Why It is Crucial for Your Ecommerce Business
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Whether you’ve just started email marketing for your business or had it in the pipeline for a while but don’t know where to begin, it has been shown to be one of the most powerful marketing techniques… so ensuring that it is the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy is advised.

Klaviyo email marketing is undoubtedly the tool that has become most favoured for companies across the world trying to gain organic sales through the backend of their website or social media advertising. 

The term A/B testing is thrown about with no real explanation to companies who don’t know where to start.

Today, we want to explain A/B testing for Klaviyo to give you a better understanding of how you can use this approach in your email campaigns for short-term and long-term wins. Keep reading to learn more!

What is A/B Testing For Email Marketing?

A/B Testing for email marketing is a test variation of multiple different emails that lead to important pages on your website such as a landing page, product page, service page, etc. Essentially, you will be using opposing text, sending it out to the same audience and seeing which one performs best. 

This could include making a slight change in the subject line upon multiple email campaigns and assessing the open rates, engagement rates and overall conversion rates. 

One example that will sum it up well is taking arguably the most vital email of all - the welcome series. Welcoming your customers with a warm, personalised message - along with a killer CTA with the utmost urgency (and/ or an incentivised offer included) will generate masses of revenue for your company.

This doesn’t mean to say that all welcome series emails do well. Therefore, an email A/B test until you find the winning variation that is providing the highest number of sales (or results that are statistically significant) will give you the data you need to see which welcome series you should double down on moving forwards. 

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Why is A/B Testing Important For Businesses Using Email Marketing?

So, why is A/B testing important for businesses using email marketing? Well, the data you receive allows you to derive what isn’t working and what is working. Therefore, for the specific campaign moving forwards, you won’t have to guess what you think might work as you already have the performance statistics to prove that it does. 

Think of it, if your business had more clarity on how it could be optimised for optimal results, you would grasp it in a heartbeat. Something as simple as changing the colour of your call-to-action (CTA) button can influence the purchase behaviour of a potential customer. 

A/B testing also encourages creativity. Trying new designs, new phrases, new colours, etc in order to tweak your performance may seem like a daunting task but this is your business and you must be willing to sacrifice some time to find the sweet spot of your email marketing campaigns. 

Once you know what works for your audience using the test results, you will never have to conduct too much deep research ever again. People’s purchase behaviour will change but not to a serious extent, thus, with A/B testing in each field (from sign-up forms, landing pages and many more), you will have valuable data that you can utilise forever. 

What Elements of Email Marketing Do You Use A/B Testing For?

As you begin your A/B testing phase, there are various elements that you will change when testing what works for specific emails. One version of your email may work better than the other so you have to be aware of the contributing factors that could be deciding this success. 

Here, we will list the different elements of email marketing you will use A/B testing for and explore them in detail to gauge the difference between each element:

Changing the From Name 

The ‘from name’ is a prominent part of the email sequence when sending them off to your potential customers. It essentially shows the reader the name of the person sending the email.

If you notice that your open/ click rate is deteriorating, a change of ‘from name’ may be required. Whether you change it to a brand-related name rather than your personal name or vice versa, you will notice opposing outcomes from each process. 

Email Layout

The visual aesthetic of your email needs to be pleasing to the eye of your audience, whether that be the email design or the structure of your email. Testing whether more images, more text or a bit of either work for your business is essential. 

Everyone’s niche is different as the audience will differ. You can also test GIFs, testimonials and other video content. As you begin to try each variant with each other, you will begin to get a feeling of what works best as you test one variable at a time. 

Subject Line

Possibly one of the most important parts of a healthy open rate is a persuasive or interesting subject line that will grab the reader's attention. Not only can you A/B test the length of your subject line (preview text), but you can change the tone of voice and CTA’s every time you send out an email. 


The most important factor in converting a customer is to have a call-to-action that makes someone want to purchase your product. You can test different colours of CTAs, different phrases, different numbers of CTAs and even test the length and copy of your CTAs. 

Putting Together Your A/B Testing: Key Elements

Putting together your A/B test settings may seem slightly cluttered and all over the place and giving you a structured plan of how you can go about it will allow you to act more effectively when it comes to performance. 

  1. Develop a hypothesis (choosing the variables you want to test, based on what you want to push within your business).
  2. Use a hefty sample size (must send your A/B testing emails to a large number of people).
  3. Sending times (test different send times simultaneously to see which time performs optimally).
  4. Hone in on sending emails that will be relevant to what you want to achieve.
  5. Give your emails enough time before breaking down the analytics.
  6. Make sure to use every tool available to you for the finest analytic breakdown.

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